Charity number: 1179747





Born as a carpenter’s son in Goa India. I was raised in a traditional church. At the tender age of 2 I lost my father, my sister was just a few months old and the whole responsibility fell on my mother to raise us up. In 1982 mother had to go to Kuwait to work.

My sister and myself were left with my grandmother, who then took care of us. During this time I fell in love with football, Football became my everything, all I wanted to do was play, play and play, I can say football became my god. In 1987 I was placed in an orphanage for 3 years where I found myself completely focused on scoring goals as I played football for the first division in Goa India for which I also received a small salary.

But that was not Gods plan for my life. Then in 1994 my mother who was still working in Kuwait, called for me to join her which was against my desire. As my love for football and becoming a professional player for India captivated me, but something nudged me to go. I had a vague idea about God, but never had a relationship with Him non the less I cried out to God because I was not very happy with this move.

On arrival to Kuwait my first interest was to find a good football club. Not realizing that football alone would not be able to sustain me in Kuwait; therefore I needed to find a secular job as well.  I got a job which paid me a very less salary. I wasn’t disheartened because my priority was still football. As long as I got to play nothing else mattered. Soon I got recognized as a goal scoring machine.

As time passed I joined a traditional Charismatic group, and was invited by someone to a healing service in a Pentecostal church at the National Evangelical Church, Kuwait, where I got saved during the worship. I still remember them singing I surrender all…thats the time I decided to give my life to Jesus. This was way back in February 1998.

After this the hunger of the Lord increased in my life and in December of 1998 I went for a retreat to India, where  I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and  a word of knowledge which said “CRUZEDIO How the shepherds gather the sheep I am gathering you” .

On returning to Kuwait I started volunteering in the English language congregation (ELC) church’s library, where I started reading spiritual books and watching spiritual CDS and videos this lead me to join several courses offered in ELC which is now know as The Lighthouse Church Kuwait.

In 2002 God gave me a dream, where I saw myself preaching to multitudes of people. I never realized the significance of the dream as I wasn’t a good speaker and personally I was a very reserved person. But I never took this dream lightly; instead I started a journey of preparing myself to fulfill this dream. I practiced in the quiet of my office only witnessing to two people at that time, one was my driver and the other was my tea boy.

In 2007 Bishop Tim Dailey and senior Pastor Allan Dytianquin who back then were a part of the extension ministries of TLC invited me to start preaching as the Lord had put it on their hearts. I agreed and they put me under Pastor Mario Lapuz for training. I served with him for 6 years.

God is a God of increase and in 2012 God gave me another dream. This was a dream of direction, He directed me to come to UK. God made every crooked path straight for me to come to London.

On July 9, 2014 God instructed me in yet another dream to start a church, with many prayers and fasting for the remainder of the year we enquired of the Lord how to go about starting this church.

Then on October 24 2014 in a dream God showed me I was signing papers with Pastor Allan Dytianquin. Soon God led me to actually become a part of LCMI and I started LIFE CONNECTION CHURCH LONDON.

I was ordained as Pastor of Life Connection Church London in 2016. It has been 7 years since we started Life Connection London and God has been faithful to us and has taught us to be faithful unto Him. With His Vision He gives provision, which is evident to all.

Today, my passion which was for Goals has turned to Souls. My passion is for the worth of a human soul.  is to win souls.

Along with my wife Pastor Elva and my 3 boys Caelan, Clyde and Cade we serve at LCC London.



We, at LCC London aspire to instill good biblical doctrine into every child that comes Into our kids ministry.

The Children at LCC enjoy their Saturday class at 12 noon where they worship the Lord, are encouraged to pray and are spiritually strengthened by learning the word of God through a renowned biblical curriculum.

The Children enjoy fellowship with snacks and games that are organised by the youth who are an active part of the kids ministry.

Every year Vacation Bible School is held at LCC for the age group of 2 to 16  Where kids from the community are invited to get to know Jesus.


LCC London is blessed with a number of youth who are eager to learn the Word of God. We have an elaborate youth ministry currently running where the IDT program is being taught to the youth to equip them to live a Godly life every Saturday at 2 pm.

The youth are blessed with their own youth service every first Sunday of the month at 2:30pm, where worship is led by the youth worship team and the Word is delivered by our youth leaders.

The youth are being equipped to fulfill the Lords Commission through evangelism every third Sunday of the month. Once a year the youth leaders under the guidance of the pastors, ministers and elders organize an evangelical football tournament where different football teams are invited and through sports Christ is shared to many.



4a Neeld Parade

Wembley HA9 6QU

Pastor Cruz Rodrigues – 07440701458 

Pastor Elva Rodrigues – 07448769569 

EMAIL – [email protected]